Erasmus policy statement



Akademia Jagiellońska is a higher education institution established in 2003, offering bachelor and master programs in the social sciences. In the first decade of existence, Akademia endeavored and succeeded to establish its reputation in the local, regional and national arena. Its purpose was focused upon developing its research and educational activity so as to reach the highest quality, recognizable by other educational institutions, as well as the job market. After achieving this goal, Akademia Jagiellońska focused on advancing its international relations in order to create further advantages for the benefit of Kolegium‘s students and staff.
Participating in the Erasmus Program has been an integral part of Akademia Jagiellońska institutional strategy of internationalization and modernization.
In light of this goal Akademia Jagiellońska develops bilateral and multilateral relations with foreign partners that share a similar profile and similar educational values, in order to establish an educational network within which the exchange of ideas, as well as the exchange of students and staff, can be conducted. Primarily, Akademia Jagiellońska already has and intends to seek more partners in the European Union countries, as such cooperation can be based on the proximity of their educational systems developed under the Bologna Process (e.g., Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area, ECTS system, etc.). In Akademia Jagiellońska we believe that all these efforts will contribute towards enhancing the European Education Area.

The aim of Akademia Jagiellońska is to facilitate both its students and staff participation in mobility programs. The mobility programs provide Akademia’s staff with the experience of working in a multinational and multilingual environment and foster an acquaintance with new methods of teaching and common values. After such exchanges, the staff of Akademia Jagiellońska is able to deliver an even higher quality of education to Akademia’s students. In this way, students indirectly benefit from the participation of staff in mobility programs, and hopefully, are inspired to participate in student mobility programs to further enhance their educational experience.


Dear Erasmus Incoming Students!

Welcome and thank you for choosing Poland for one of the most exciting Times in your academic career. Make yourself at home and have a look at an Academic Planner as an application that will certainly help you during your stay in our country. The planner suggests ways of spending your free time, recommends sites worth visiting and tells you how to deal with problems you might encounter. Get familiar with history of Poland, its traditions and culture. Experience our Polish hospitality, make lasting friendships and pick up some
language as well!

You can download Academic Planner App here: Academic Planner





Akademia Jagiellońska w Toruniu
Prosta 4/Jęczmienna 23
87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 695 000 011
e-mail: kontakt@akademiajagiellonska.pl



7.10.2023– Inauguration of the academic year
23.12.2023 – 7.01.2024 – Christmas break
29.02.2024 – end of the 1st semester
30.03-01.04.2024 – Easter break
30.06.2024 – end of the classes in the 2nd semester
27.09.2024 – end of the 2nd semester


Academic authorities

The Rector of Akademia Jagiellońska
dr Joanna Górska-Szymczak

ERASMUS+ contact mail:

Dominika Matłosz


General information




AJ educates highly qualified professionals for the economy and public institutions, especially the ones specializing in the field of social science. The staff of the school consists of outstanding practitioners, both Polish and foreign, who are mobile, open-minded, and experienced both in research and education. Students are given opportunity to choose a faculty according to their abilities and interests, and at the same time can shape the vision of their future professional life with awareness. The internship is organized with the cooperation of employers. Students achieving best results are granted financial assistance of the school. Our graduates are equipped with the knowledge and abilities allowing them to adapt to economic and social changes. Both graduates and the school keep in touch, and AJ assists students in raising their qualifications as a part of the program “lifelong education”. Employers help AJ to identify necessary qualifications and the demands of employment. The diploma of AJ is considered to be a credible confirmation of graduating from a college, as well as acquiring professional qualifications.

List of degree programmes offered

Bachelor Degrees
(3-year studies)

Business management
Public administration – management
E-business management
Manager of small and medium-sized companies
Occupational health and safety
Real estate management
Planning and spatial development



Master Degrees
(2-year studies)

Administrative – economic studies
International business management
Public Administration Management
Manager of small and medium-sized companies
Staff and wages
Supervision and control in administration
Law and management
Manager of mobile applications
Planning and spatial development
International capital markets and economic organizations




Master Degrees
(5-year studies)

Pre-school and early school education


No. Subject ECTS
1. Introduction to law and legal systems 6
2. Comparative constitutional law  6
3. History of administration 6
4. Managerial economics 6
5. International economy 6
6. Public international law 6
7. Economy (macro- and micro economy) 6
8. Foreign language: English – module 1 (winter semester) 6
9. Foreign language: English – module 2 (spring semester) 6
10. Chinese language and culture – module 1 (winter semester) 6
11. Chinese language and culture – module 2 (spring semester) 6
Summary: 66
No. Subject ECTS
1. Foreign language: English – module 1 (winter semester) 6
2. Foreign language: English – module 2 (spring semester) 6
3. Chinese language and culture – module 1 (winter semester) 6
4. Chinese language and culture – module 2 (spring semester) 6
5. Methodology of teaching foreign language to primary school children 6
6. Methodology of teaching foreign language to primary school children – student trainingship – module 1 (winter semester) 6
7. Methodology of teaching foreign language to primary school children – student trainingship – module 2 (spring semester) 6
8. Professional ethics for teachers 6
9. Introduction to philosophy 6
10. Contemporary problems of philosophy and ethics






Comparison of education systems in Europe








Health insurance

Health insurance is mandatory for all students for the entire duration of their stay in Poland. The students from non-EU/EEA countries are recommended to buy medical insurance in their home country or immediately after their arrival to Poland. Otherwise students are required to pay for any health service they receive. Foreign students are also advised to purchase third party liability insurance and accident insurance.
EU citizens staying in Poland are eligible for free health service, providing they present their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).  EU citizens not having insurance in their country of residence and non-EU citizens may sign insurance agreement with the Polish Health Insurance Fund (NFZ – Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) and purchase insurance for the monthly fee of around 40 PLN.
Under bilateral agreements the citizens of the U.K., Sweden and Slovakia are entitled to free medical care.
Under an agreement with the Czech Republic Czech students are entitled to necessary medical care in cases of sudden illness or accident.
Optionally, you can buy additional insurance with the selected insurance company.

The European Commission (EC) has developed a useful multi-language free phone app, which explains how to use the EHIC card in different countries within the European Union (EU). It summarises the treatments, costs, procedure for reimbursement and emergency numbers.


Visa information

  • EU citizens can enter Poland with valid ID (e.g. passport, or another document certifying identity and citizenship). Non-EU citizens will need a visa and a passport. Visa information can be found relevant on the website of a Polish embassy in a given country.
    Foreign students who stay in Poland for more than 3 months continually (without leaving Poland during that period) are obliged to register at:
    Urząd Wojewódzki
    Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców
    Oddział Zamiejscowy w Toruniu
    Moniuszki 15-21
    Room Nos: 17,18, 20, 28
    tel. +48 56 622-78-87
    e-mail: wsoc_torun@bydgoszcz.uw.gov.pl
    The staff of the Jagiellonian College will assist you in the registration procedure.


How to get to…


Partner universities

  • Universidade de Vigo (Spain) – http://www.uvigo.gal/uvigo_en/
  • Nicolae Titulescu University of Bucharest (Romania) – http://www.univnt.ro/en/
  • Titu Maiorescu University  (Romania) – http://www.utm.ro/
  • Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) – http://www.kvk.lt/en/
  • West University of Timisoara (Romania) – https://ri.uvt.ro
  • Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University (Turkey) – http://www.mu.edu.tr/en
  • Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave – www.erasmus.ucm.sk
  • International Business School (Bulgaria) – www.ibsedu.bg
  • University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (Czech Republic) – www.ef.jcu.cz
  • Birzeit University (Palestine) – www.birzeit.edu
  • Universitetit të Shkodrës “Luigj Gurakuqi” ( Albania ) – www.unishk.edu.al
  • Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou (Algérie) – www.ummto.dz
  • Anadolu University(Turkey) – www.anadolu.edu.tr
  • Modern University for Business and Science (Lebanon) – www.birzeit.edu
  • Arab American University(Palestine) – www.aaup.edu
  • Armenian State University of Economics (Republic of Armenia) –  www.asue.am
  • Trnava University in Trnava (Slovakia)  – www.truni.sk/en/application-process
  • Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy) unige.it
  • Ankara Science University (Turcja) ankarabilim.edu.tr
  • Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích (the Czech Republic) jcu.cz
  • University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria) unwe.bg
  • Artifex University of Bucharest (Romania) artifex.org.ro
  • Vysoká škola bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach (Slovakia) erasmus.vsbm.sk
  • Universidade de Vigo (Spain) uvigo.es
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